I’m curious about education or continuing education
example: degree, Spanish course
I’m curious about personal or professional development
example: book club, certification in
I’m curious about a new job or work role
example: advance to assistant manager, move to marketing
I’m curious about expanding my social circle or network
example: join clubs, committees, meetups
I’m curious about starting a business, freelancing or consulting
example: café, graphic design
I’m curious about healthier habits
example: eat better, yoga
I’m curious about living somewhere else or experiential travel
example: move to a new city, backpack in Europe
I’m curious about volunteering or serving in a non-profit
example: committee or board member, mentor, tutor
I’m curious about more time with family, caregiving or parenting
example: Sunday walk or visit, reunions, having a child
I’m curious about a major transition
example: from business to teaching, from school to work
I'm curious about
example: spirituality, religion, advocacy, civic engagement, politics
I'm curious about leisure activities or retirement options
example: playing games, cooking, downsize, make financial plans, join a club