One Life Blog

NCDA blog post

Rock Your Heart Out: 5 Inspired Actions to Maximize this Summer’s NCDA Conference

You’ve been to PD conferences before. You know the tried & true tips about how to prep, how to use the hashtag, how to network and how to engage. Let’s play a new tune, shall we?

Read on for 5 off-beat but totally on-key ways you can rock #NCDAOrlando next week and any other professional development events on your summer calendar!

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OneLifeTools Career Definition

You’ve Got Your Whole World In Your Hands: How We Define Career

Now that you have that song stuck in your head, let’s begin!

At OneLifeTools we define career as:
"The full expression of who you are and how you want to be in the world, which keeps on expanding as it naturally goes through cycles of stability and change."

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Beyond the Boardgame: Creative Ways to Describe WYAM

What's in a Name? Beyond the Boardgame: Who You Are Matters!

A careers boardgame? Really? How does that work?

The importance of play is a trendy topic, with advocates stating that creating fun and social experiences for adults facilitates learning, the generation of new ideas and increased follow-through on potential inspired actions. At OneLifeTools, we have a boardgame. But we don’t always call it that.

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