Online Storyteller

OneLifeTools Online Storyteller is a unique web application that helps users reflect on their stories and experiences in an organized way. The tools guide clients through the OneLifeTools narrative framework, helping them to define and clarify their strengths and desires and become empowered & proactive in their career & life choices.

OneLifeTools Online Storyteller can be used collaboratively by helping professionals and their clients or provided directly to individuals who can walk themselves through the system and the OneLifeTools narrative framework.


The Online Storyteller empowers users to take control and facilitates amazing change quickly. Whirlwind! Users achieve career clarity and see connections, and they quickly develop their Career Statement and Exploration Plan. Information is organized and easy to access so it frees the career professional to provide more of a human touch.Jayne Greene-Black, Career Professional

Online Storyteller Licencing

The Online Storyteller is coming soon as a standalone product. To get pre-release access to the Online Storyteller attend one of our upcoming training programs.

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