A careers boardgame? Really? How does that work?
The importance of play is a trendy topic, with advocates stating that creating fun and social experiences for adults facilitates learning, the generation of new ideas and increased follow-through on potential inspired actions.
At OneLifeTools, we have a boardgame. But we don’t always call it that. We often describe our Who You Are Matters! tool as a guided career discovery experience. Lately, we've been explaining it as a clarification experience, at the intersection of meaningful work and personal lifestyle.
4 out 5 people that walk into a room and see the WYAM game boards set up are excited and happy. They pick up the Firekeeper’s stick and start asking questions. Some people love the idea of a game. They think about their past positive experiences with friends and family, the rush of winning, the cooperation and laughter. But if it’s just a game, how do you invite people to try it and treat it as a beneficial and useful tool?